About Year 1 Sem 1

Category: NUS

This is written at the beginning of the second semester as I am looking back at what I have gone through in the whole year.

The modules I had:

Sem 1: MA1505, CS1231, CG1101, PC1432, SSA1203


This is a module hated by a lot of SM2 students in my belief(although I am not one) because it focused too much on how to apply formulas rather the actual reasoning behind those formulas. Thus this module seems to be a bit rushed if you really want to take time to understand all of that. But I think most of us get used to the way in this kind of math module.

Grade: A+

Generally I think this module is useful but can be improved with more knowledge about how to derive those formulas.


In fact I do not like this module much because I keep making mistakes on small issues although I get the overall picture.

But this is fun in a sense that all of us are trying to get into the world of logic. This is going to be useful if we in fact think about taking CS2010 and higher algorithm modules.

Grade: A-

Generally it is very useful after year 1 which requires some efforts for year 1 students.


I do not want to say that much about this module because if not constrained as a student in CEG instead of CS, I will never take this because it is just so easy that I basically want to skip everything. (My suggestion is to complete all the supplementary practice as well–of course tutorial questions–because you get more through hands-on practice.)

Grade: A

Generally I think it rather boring if you know something about C.


Another module that I do not like because all in the final is just about applying formulas -– you do not even have to think -– and somehow I just got A- for this one -– how can this be?

Well, this is an easy module and I do believe in certain that it is easy for everybody -– so watch out to your results in final!!!

Grade: A-

Well, I will skip this one.


This is definitely my favorite among all the SS modules! It is fun and not constrained to only Singapore and ASEAN. You got chance to explore about America, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and so on. It is just so much fun about it and teaching stuff are wonderful!

Grade: S(B-)

If you are concerned about how many level 1 you are going to take -– take this one!

Hall-life and stuff:

Nothing particular. Just did not do much stuff meaningful except for a mini-movie.

Generally, sem 1 is okay if you talk about relaxing myself.