Reading notes about books I read in 2016 (Part 2)

Category: reading



  1. Practical Rails Social Networking Sites A step by step guide for developing a Rails social networking web site. Many steps are just too trivial and some are needless to cover for me. However, I did learn some tricks abut working effectively in Rails. Does not require a lot of time in reading as well–could be used for glancing.

  2. Python in Practice A book about patterns and some useful standard libraries. Worth reading–especially the patterns part. As for introduction to many libraries, could quickly have a look and get some rough ideas.

  3. The art of Unix Programming A very old book but many ideas in software design still shine today. I should read it more times.

  4. Advanced Rails Recipes To be honest I think this is a very good book, should have read it earlier-before I start my Rails project. Too bad there is no more recent version–in fact there is only one version and it is still using Rails 2 which is too old when we should talk about Rails 5 with more coolness now.

  5. Hackers and Painters THE FAVORITE BOOK of the year. Written by a great hacker and entrepreneur, about Lisp, life, nerds, innovation and so on. Must-read for programmers and should-read for all of people who want to succeed.

  6. Effective Python Like the famous Effective C++, this is a good book as well. About software engineering principles, Python magics and so-on. A great book on Python

  7. How to make mistakes in Python By learning from mistakes can we learn to progress. A very small book about some common mistakes.

  8. from future import Python What about Python 3?


  1. 大败局 这部是吴晓波的成名之作,主要介绍了那个改革开放后风起云涌的时代里曾经叱咤风云却被人眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他楼塌了。枭雄英雄皆是悲歌,谋略策略尽是绝唱。那是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代啊!

  2. 大败局2 继上一部的成功,这次作者再出发,继续写中国商业里的纵横捭阖。从股市到楼市到保健品,写中国经济年增长10个百分点的大浪上最惹人注目的他们。

  3. 伟大的博弈 华尔街不是一天就建成的,那么它的成长必然是有迹可循的。来自水湄物语的推荐,对于入门金融还是很有效的,毕竟趣味性还好却不时有对于专业的介绍,把读者引入投资领域。

  4. 理财决定下半生 观点比较宽泛老套,不推荐。

  5. 人类简史 从大历史出发写三次革命,一次次挑战自己对于社会和历史的本来认识。可以不同意,但观点有趣新颖,十分值得一读。


  1. 一本正经 介绍了不少其他的书的书,最后反而没有记住什么呢!

  2. 此生未完成 也许此生永远在真正结束时都没有完成,然而作者的人生在别人眼里看来真的是没有完成。爱人母亲女儿科学工作者,所有的身份都将逝去,连此生未完成的遗憾也会,但是面对死亡的思考和豁达不会的吧!另外,真的要少熬夜多锻炼好好吃饭啊!

  3. 简单的艺术 简单生活,简单快乐

  4. 人生有何意义 胡适的文章选集

  5. 如果你在就好了 游记,希望可以都能好好游览一下啊!

  6. 把栏杆拍遍 粱衡的散文集,文采还是很优秀的,部分感情也很充沛啊!

  7. 笑笑生谈 杂记,什么都写啊!

  8. 来到地球第一天 哈哈哈,因为刚刚来到地球,所以对什么都好奇,研究了很多冷知识哦!

  9. 台湾,你一定要去 我真的是很想去好好玩儿啊!

I would reading these books really helped my a lot in both finding something fun to do and getting more knowledge. However, seems this unsystematic way of reading caused that most books just leave some blurred impression. In the year of 2017, I will try to read by topics and study about some interested topics from several books, different perspectives. Hope in this way I can form a more systematic view of those topics.