
Category: none

Linked List Question -- rearrange last n

15 Sep 2017    algorithm

Manipulating a singly linked list is about paying attention to details – and that is what is needed for most, if not all, programming tasks.

Linked List Question -- reverse nodes in k groups

30 Aug 2017    algorithm

Singly linked list is one-directional and therefore reversing it is tricky because once you move foward you cannot go back to previous node. So that means you need to remember the previous one and proper reverse the next link.

Linked List Question -- merge two linked lists

15 Aug 2017    algorithm

Merge sort is a very good sorting algorithm and on top of it, other algorithms like external sort can be built as well. Merging two arrays is not hard but merging two linked lists may be a bit tricky to get right:

Linked List Question -- add two huge numbers

30 Jul 2017    algorithm

We can use linked list to represent huge integers, and therefore addition could be performed and for this we can have a question:

Linked List Question -- remove k from a list

15 Jul 2017    algorithm

So recently I started to be an interviewer myself and therefore I am doing some recap of interview questions.

Linked List Question -- is list palindrome

15 Jul 2017    algorithm

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar.

use strong passwords with help of Ubuntu

27 May 2017    software

Passwords are everywhere. For my online bank accounts I need password, for some game forums I need password, for Gmail or Facebook I need password – and since I do not want to get hacked for all of these in case some hacker cracked one down, I want to use different passwords for different websites (As a matter of fact, I believe for regular users of Chrome, mostly if Google is hacked, all of the passwords are revealed LOL. So effectively people like me have blind trust to giants like Google just like the during the old days people just blindly believe in some god or gods. As a programmer myself I did not actually bother to find out whether Google can actually keep all of the information safe – but this is another topic all together).