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Download online data with Python

20 Jun 2016    Python

Python as a very convenient and powerful scripting language, is used allowed with scraping related data. One particular example of scraping would be downloading data. Let’s say we already have format of destination links and what we need to do is just to save those online data locally in files or in a database. There are quite some ways to achieve it but each is going to fit for its own purpose.

Setup Oh-my-zsh on Ubuntu without sudo

24 May 2016    Python

Oh-my-zsh is a command line terminal tool that is designed to improve terminal users’ productivity and it is based on zsh. And zsh contains nearly all of the syntax in Bash and functionality but added a few helper features to make it awesome. Another similar improment is fish but it contains quite some incompatability with normal Bash. So if you want friendliness with Bash and interactiveness and coolness, go for oh-my-zsh.

Set up php project with composer on CentOS 7

01 Mar 2016    PHP

PHP is the best language. – Annoymous

Creating daemon process Python example explanation

01 Mar 2016    Python

A daemon is a long-running background process that answers requests for services. It is used quite often in programming in various cases. An ideal daemon process should satisfy following conditions(Taken from description about daemon processes in PEP 3143):

Optimize your Python code

15 Feb 2016    Python

Python is a great programming language that has elegence and expressiveness built-in from the very start–the only problem in some people’s mind, however, is that CPython is just really slow. Although we did not choose Python because it is fast or something but we choose it despite the fact that it is pretty slow, there are quite some things for us to do to optimize our Python code. Just a simple reminder:

Understanding Python Generator

11 Feb 2016    Python

Recently I was working with generators and it really took me some time to get it. So I decided to write this post to share. Before I dive into explanation and examples of generators in Python, let me first point out some great posts about generators in Python:

Common Python Gotchas

11 Jan 2016    Python

Python is great because of many reasons and probably the reason is different for each Python lover–for me it is the elegance of the language that makes me fall in love with this at my first encounter. Being easy to pick up and understand, it is also getting an increasing attention as the first programming language for students. There will be more and more Python lovers. But before we commit ourselves to some serious Python code, we should at least know about the common gotchas for easier life when playing with Python.