
Category: none


25 May 2017    reading


Using Tesseract to recognize datetime from pictures

08 Feb 2017    python, OCR

Tesseract is a software for recognizing texts on images, or it is for optical character recognition. It was developed in HP and now maintained by Google. Currently it is not the most advanced and accurate character recognition program but it is open source and easy to use.

Install Postgresql 8.3 on Ubuntu

27 Jan 2017    reading

One of the projects that I am recently working on involves postgres and since it is an old project, the production server version is 8.3. Although I am pretty sure I did not use anything fancy that is added in 9.*, it is better to test in a exact situation as production server before we apply any upgrade(preparing for the update take a lot of care and effort because if something went wrong, even recovery is not an easy step in most cases. And however bad things may happen could happen.)

Reading notes about books I read in 2016 (Part 2)

07 Jan 2017    reading


Reading notes about books I read in 2016 (Part 1)

07 Jan 2017    reading


Weird bug that you cannot even debug in Python

20 Dec 2016    python

Recently I took over an existing project. There is some newly added feature and I started to debug using ipdb. So everything went well–I input “\n” to see what happens when executed to next line. But then all of a sudden this command does not work anymore–seems the debugger just breaks and all of my subsequent breakpoints did not pause the program execution.

About Python 3, to support or not to, it is not a question

30 Nov 2016    python

Python 3 has been out for quite a long time and because of various reasons, mainly the decision of non-backward-compatability, the migration process is still slower than expected. Python 2 is very easy to use and great to work with already and all of sudden the community is saying that we have several great ideas to improve Python 2 and all of existing Python programmers need to rework on their skills. As a Python programmer myself, honestly I am not happy about this–and I do not think any Python programmers are happy about old code just break and will not run at all–because we are programmers and we are human, we do not like changes and we like things to be stable so that we are still in our old comfort zone.